The vaginal muscles (or muscles of love, or intimate muscles) play a significant role in preservation of health of man and woman, in love and sex, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Initially, they worked for every woman, were a natural physiological component of female organism. The natural program of work of intimate muscles is perfect, it manifests itself from the moment of excitation
(erection of certain genital zones, including woman's ones - pudental lips, clitoris, entry zone) and up to the ending when compressed vaginal muscles force to work at maximum the muscles which that ejaculate the sperm. However, with establishment of patriarchate in many cultures female frigidity began to prevail. This led to the situation that women's vaginal muscles in such cultures ceased to work even at orgasms. Knowledge about development of muscles of love became elite, it was kept only in special temples, religions, doctrines, it was a secret knowledge. Thus, certain directions in development of muscles started to appear.One direction maintained serviceability of existing muscles, for example, in harems where the normal frequency of sexual intercourse of women was problematic. And it is the number of orgasms which is essential for normal work of vaginal muscles. Other directions used methods of restoration, for example, after the complicated

  delivery. A third technique helped in developing unique capabilities, for example, amplified wave-like contraction in due time. There was nobody who tried to develop from zero (means absence of work of muscles), as there was no demand for such women, they did not arouse interest even having exclusive appearance. Appearance was not appreciated at the level of the work of vaginal muscles, as only the latter provided normal functioning of the whole system of organism of the harem owner.
     The more physiologic and natural is the working training process, the more it is effective. Besides, as a rule, the most simple way is also the most effective. Criteria of development of vaginal muscles are abilities to perform the necessary natural physiological actions, namely:

       Sexual intercourse should deliver full sexual discharge to partners up to level of sexual saturation, instead of 5-minute satisfaction. In the process it should make the required training of all (man's and woman's) the muscles that participate in it. Five-minute training is also not effective. Female sexual saturation is very individual and depends on the quality and quantity of vaginal orgasms. The basic role in this process is played by skilful actions of adequately developed muscles of  vaginal channel.

    We have never been told about prolongated sex      Sex is a powerful natural tool for development and maintaining of love muscles functions But, unfortunately, sex in conditions of monogamy has lost its natural  functions for majority of people which was detrimental for health of  men and women. The existing sexual culture does not provide popularity  of natural sex. Sex of nowadays  has to a greater extent lost its  attractiveness and appeal having yielded its place to drugs and alcohol I have sex only like that. I was never shown another.
     Conception - muscular actions should provide guaranteed fertilization of ootid by a sperm cell i.e. spermatozoid should arrive to destination and be capable to fertilize. Here, he basic role is played by the contractions of uterus, direction and force of a sperm jet, rovided with the help of proper compression of vaginal muscles. This process was repeatedly duplicated by nature, therefore, requirements to muscular actions can be reduced to a minimum.   back
     Pregnancy - muscles of uterus, vagina and the adjoining muscles should provide carrying of a pregnancy during the whole term. It is preferable. to have strong muscles.
      Childbirth - necessary muscular actions in the course of labor and pains should provide normal natural delivery. Excessively developed muscles can lead to surgical intervention.
       And now let us analyze the existing methods of vaginal muscles development to solve the objectives set before us. In this analysis I don't claim to make a comprehensive review of the methods of vaginal muscles development.
      The sexual intercourse is the most natural process of development, strengthening and maintenance in tonus of vaginal Knowledge about natural sex (love-making) should serve as a basis of sexual culture.muscles. To be more pedantic, the quantity and quality of orgasms. It is during orgasm that a maximum (orgasmic) contraction of vaginal muscles is observed, the most intensive load on muscles. It occurs with naturally developed muscles. Without these muscles such development will be long enough, even for several years. But this way to develop muscles of love demands availability of the certain qualities that a woman should possess, namely: vaginal multi-orgasms (usually, there are no strong compressions at clitoris orgasm), sufficient vaginal sensitivity, duration of increase of excitation up to orgasm should be less. The majority of men at such a prospect ofSexual intercourse as a means of vaginal muscles development will gain a broad scale. However proper results would not be achieved as the necessary sexual education of men is lacking development have caught fire with immediate desire to perform it here and now, and immediately. Do not be in a hurry, estimate whether your possibilities are realistic: you need to have a good observancy (assessment of the changes that occur), it is necessary to have a good and frequent erection with control of its duration, good sensitivity of phallus is also required (similar to exerciser рC), as well as anatomic compatibility, appearance and sex appeal of the given woman. If all this is available, place advertising (the text is in the figure) and ┘ go ahead. During this process the vaginal and adjoining muscles in the best way solve all the tasks posed. Let me share the experience gained by me. In the beginning of my activity on this question, only awakening of vaginal muscles have taken several months because of the lacking proper development (there were no exercisors at that time ). && 
    One of the most ancient methods of vaginal muscles development are esoteric practices of various directions. At present in Russia the most famous are Tao and tantric ones. Yoga exercises (asanas) have been tested for efficiency of vaginal muscles development several years ago by means of exercieser рP, but, except for Nauli, no special results have been obtained. Even usual sneezing, cough and chest singing (not by throat) proved to be more effective (as it has been shown in my
first videocassette " Intimate muscles ", 1995).      back

       In ancient China wives and concubines of emperors made use of stone eggs to maintain in good condition the muscles of pelvic floor. As shown in the book by Mantak Chia and Maneewan Chia."Cultivating female sexual energy". Healing tao Vumbuilding makes a wide use of ancient knowledge on development of vaginal muscles adapted for women of the present timebooks, New York, 1993 exercises with an egg are carried out together with specific Dao techniques. The basic exercises re movements of eggs along the depth of vaginal channel, expansion of two eggs in the different directions and their moving (down to impacts), change of interposition, while exercise with burdening is shown as a "heavy athletics": external load is fixed on the egg which should be lifted by muscles of love "in upright position" from entry to vaults. ut of all esoteric practices this method of maintenance of vaginal muscles in an efficient condition and improvement of their work is the most effective both for sex, and, to a certain degree, for childbirth. The woman with such skills, will certainly be quite good in solving the objects in view. The question lies only in the fact that to learn this having the undeveloped muscles (starting from zero) represents an almost insoluble problem.
      While training the Tao and tantric practices one of the key moments at some schools areIt is hard to retrain a woman to change her sexual skills even trainings of women to be able to statically keep muscles of an entry to vagina in the compressed condition, performance of "lock". Thus, a sphincter of entry becomes a powerful circular muscle, even more strong than an anus. In many cases it results in "ossification" of the entry sphincter, it loses its ability to be compressed and relaxed, the sphincter becomes uncontrollable. This loss of the natural physiological action will inevitably lead to complications at childbirth delivery. In my practice of training there were cases (with the women who can operate the lock), when a thread, passed via hole of a 3.5 cm rubber ball, has cut this ball by half after an attempt of its extraction from a vagina. Certainly, if you are not going to give birth or you plan to give birth by means of Caesarian operation, you should not worry about the lock. In fact, the professional women-gymnasts are practicing this.
      Some directions of esoterics are heading by a steady way: they borrow parental It will not be a sexual intercourse, but the uprooting of a  phallusexperience on training the child to do defecation not into a bed, and on a pot, i.e. they teach how an anus should produce certain actions - to relax in due moment, whereas the rest of the time it should be held compressed. Unfortunately, these gurus teach only vaginal compression (lock), while relaxation has dropped out of the sphere of their interests. It is revealed from here that there is a disturbance of the necessary natural physiological actions of a vagina. After having published my viewpoint of the "lock" I was subject to the anathema by some Teachers of esoterics - arguing that it is me who give the wrong information, that I When will this wonder start its operation for a woman?undermine the reputation of these ancient doctrines. Who am Ito do such a thing, and so forth. When discussing the "lock" (this phenomenon) with the founder of the first in the world "Center for preparation to orgasmic childbirth" Mr. V.Marchenko, an idea struck our minds, that "lock" had the right to exist, but, in the beginning, before it, it is necessary that women should learn the willed compression and relaxation during labors at childbirth, (it is better to name it release, opening) of a sphincter. Accordingly, the exercise "shooting" suits the best for developing this operation. After having learned the shooting and opening of the entry performance of "lock" by women will not result in those negative consequences, about which I wrote. The natural sex in these practices is replaced by the Tao and tantric sex. No attention is given to the remaining
natural physiological actions. In the East they teach belly-dance jointly with training of 
sexual skills, with operation of vaginal muscles.
      Another ancient way to develop muscles of love and to maintain their working condition is the belly dance, but the latter has undergone transformation into a usual specific dance in the European cultures. Work of muscles of love at its performance is not cultivated as far as modern interpretation is concerned. At present there are attempts to involve vaginal muscles into work at performance of belly dance in fitness - studio of vumbuilding. Results do encourage. This method is basically preparing the woman to elite sex. The vumbuilding is, by analogy with bodybuilging, an abbreviation for training process of vaginally used muscles (VUMs) development (building). back
       Probably, not less ancient are vaginal skills, the visible result of muscular actions of a vagina. These actions are The expulsive pains during childbirth and shooting are
 equivalent physiological vaginal actions.reduced to tension (compression) of the vaginal channel muscles, starting from the entry and deeper. The force of these compressions was able to hold substantial loads. The ability to expand an entry (to move sphincter apart) allowed "to absorb" rather large objects, for example, apples. Wave-like contraction of the vaginal channel muscles from vaults to entry made it sometimes possible to throw out the enclosed objects for significant distances (shooting). The same contraction, but in an opposite direction - from an entry to vaults was able to pull in the loads. Expansion of the whole vaginal channel made it possible to soak up water, air, and then, a subsequent sharp and strong compression promoted expulsion. Thus, in the first case a jet of water was visible (like that of a whale), and in the second one - a specific sound was heard. It is interesting to note the hypocrisy of presentation by some authors of these skills: if these skills were demonstrated at the scale of chamber in "a bedroom of the Chinese emperor ", it  was done with admiration and worship, and if plenty of the Thai women have learned such skills and they became accessible to the general public, it was scornfully referred to as "the art of Thai whorehouses ". Subconsciousness of these authors is resistant to mass spread of these skills, in spite of the fact that they allow to come nearer to the solving of the purposes to be attained (health, sex, conception and so forth), and also they propagandize to a certain extent the development of vaginal muscles.
        In the European cultures full oblivion of the knowledge about female muscles of pelvis fundus has led to widely spread of enuresis. Even widely used perfumery means do not help to get rid of specific female aromas. The human genius helped Is it possible that harmless (?) could cause unpleasant 
consequences during sexual intercourse?once more, as it always did. In the middle of the last century Arnold йЕgЕl offered exercises to solve this problem. Thus, alongside with strengthening of urethras sphincter, the sphincter of entry into vagina is developed. Since this exercise was the only effective means to somehow recover a vagina known in the West at that time, it was accepted as a panacea from all female misfortunes. Now Kegel's method (with some variations) is used for treatment and preventive maintenance of every possible ptosis and prolapse, improvement of the female orgasms and so forth. At present this method was improved, but its essence has not been changed - it develops muscles of entry and urethra together with the adjoining muscles. In the West, and especially in the USA, Kegel's method has been transformed into a method of pubo-coccygeus musculus (PCM) development. 
       Thoughtless development of vaginal entry muscles in modern conditions is fraught mainly with two troubles. The first one is that sphincter of entry being powerful is certainly detrimental for normal childbirth. The obstetricians agree with it. The second one is that at the time of йЕgЕl the most terrible diseases were not known (like AIDS, hepatitis, clamidiosis and many others). A unique protective means against these diseases today is condom, but it can be torn or pulled down by powerful sphincter of entry which is inevitable during sexual intercourse, especially violent one. The special fastened condoms are needed. Besides, excessive force of muscles of entry is capable of injuring the male ranging from insignificant micro-traumas up to substantial damage to an integument of phallus. Certainly, Kegel's method - variations of PCM development are useful to women in some cases, still, restrictions and rating are required in the development of muscular force of entry. It is clear that apart from the limit rates of development suggested by me the new, more simple and accessible should obviously appear. It is possible, that these numerical values will be corrected in the course of special researches. One is not able to gain sexual skills by means of (?) and 
various movements of the body.back
        There are techniques where they basically teach kegels, but add exercises with a belly - buttocks - back - hands - legs and so forth, which is proudly named as development of vaginal muscles. The introduction of such exercises adds nothing into the development of vaginal muscles, but create an image of quite a new technique. After such training the woman will be able to do only kegels. It, certainly, is useful to some degree, but, basically, it is an elementary deceit.
        The book by Natalia Belova " The Secret of female health, or muscles f love ","Continuation of Life ", The ballet dancers are not always able to operate their love muscles.SPb, 2003 gives a detailed description about PCл in a popular form. For the first time it is told about how one can feel this muscle. This muscle is even named the "queen of muscles" as it has a decisive role in solving of all female problems, ranging from descents to orgasms. It is stated there, that it is proved by scientific results. What kind of scientific results can it be, if descents are treated surgically up till now. N.Belova herself gives the whole complex of exercises for liquidation of descents. But this question is easily solved by means of the single exercise "rinsing": a release (expansion) of the walls of vagina with the subsequent compression.If air is sucked in and thrown out, one can hear a characteristic sound. Even some kindergarten aged girls can astonish other girls by this skill (they unexpectedly gain this skill when making a certain action). More mature ladies astonished their knights, starting to flow fountains in lakes and baths. But in fact it goes about "low-standard staff of the
cheap Thai whorehouses", doesn't it? The science even has got no name for these opening muscles. So, it is better to put aside and not recollect a science that studies the woman for a while.
      N.Belovoj's book can become a reference book for many women. Her reasoning about benefits of female musclesUnless vagina is contaminated with any dirt, thus neglecting 
elementary standards of the safe sexual intercourse, it will always be  cleaner than mouth. development is argued and convincing. I myself in my books could not, as a man, speak so frankly to female readers about their ignorance and laziness in this question. Her one aphorism "don't have a drink, but first wash your intimate place" is worthy a lot. The book is written by a good and simple language, it is witty. Our viewpoints of the problem coincide by 80 %. I was very much astonished by the opinion of the author on inadmissibility of self-inspection of a vagina by a woman herself. It smells of the Middle Ages - both sexual partner and doctor are authorized (even it is welcomed!) to do there everything they wish. And a woman should not examine herself by a finger, it is unethical. At the same time it is hinted that massage of prostate of one's beloved is very much appreciated, i.e. one can and should get into the intimate places. back

Unless vagina is contaminated with any dirt, thus neglecting 
elementary standards of the safe sexual intercourse, it will always be cleaner than mouth. Let's consider Figure A showing a diagram of maintenance of vaginal channel and uterus under normal condition. Presented as small mainsprings 6 they show (schematically) the action of muscles, diaphragms and joints. The uterus and vagina are influenced by their own gravity force and the weight of the higher located organs (as shown by an arrow). Below the fundus of small pelvis is based on PCл (mainspring 7). The first exercises in the European culture for development of the female muscles made use of kegels. They
1- vaginal channel, 2 - uterus, 3 - sphincter of urethra,
4 - sphincter of orifice, 5 - anus, 6 - conventional muscles and
joints that hold vagina and uterus, 7 - PCл
 developed sphincters of urethras 3 and entry 4. However, women seldom compressed only these sphincters separately As a rule, everything was compressed, that could be compressed there.

    There was a result, which, most often, nobody expected. From here the legend was born, that kegels can be a panacea against any female illnesses, they even can improve the orgasmic sensations. For 50 years this error persisted, having deprived several generations of women of the pleasure of natural life (up till now some doctors consider kegels as a panacea). But diseases remained and multiplied. New "scientific" works have revealed, that kegels really help only within a narrow range, and a new queen of muscles (PCл)has been declared by them. It should help in all cases, up to the cases of descent and prolapse. Women did not have a specific understanding, where this PCл was and how it should be compressed. Again they compressed everything that could be compressed below. The effect was obtained. Up till now PCM has the status of the queen. As you can see in figure B the PCл is not shown (it is weak). The pelvis fundus will be a little lowered. But, if mainspring 6 is good, no essential descent of womb will take place. If mainsprings 6 are weakened (figure я), then uterus 2 together with vagina 1 will start to descend. Strengthening of only PCл for this case will be of no help almost to anybody. Descent will remain, but nothing will drop out. In my opinion, it is clear even to a schoolboy, that no support from below is necessary to provide (to strengthen PCл), but a suspension link (mainspring 6) should be strengthened.. Figuratively speaking, what is offered is strengthening of foundation (PCл). instead of strengthening of rafters (if the roof "has gone"). Such is the level of the "scientific" approach, science-based recommendations to the woman. Nobody has succeeded in solving of the woman's problems, and nothing is being done for it.
         The same figure will allow you to be convinced in importance of PCл for the improvement of orgasms. Some women have a good erogenous zone at the entry (orifice). The use of kegels and strengthening of PCл will make it possible for these women to have more bright sensations. But the majority of women, unfortunately, have their erogenous zones hidden deeper. In fact, during sexual intercourse the majority of them want it the farther, the deeper, and some prefer also the stronger. So, where should this majority develop their muscles? Externally, at the entry (orifice)? Or it will be better to develop elasticity, compressibility farther from PCл? back
        What is the basis on which the "science" declares PCл as a queen of muscles? Tomorrow with the same self-Can it be true that one can master vaginal action? It looks 
like fantastic story. One can imagine the sensations of such sorceress  during sexual intercourse.assertion one may start to crown muscle CHI. Then, there will be other "scientists" who can declare another new muscle or group to be very significant. It is a well-known fact, that a separately taken muscle can only be compressed or relaxed. Let me ask the authors of these publications, in what manner can one muscle hold a load, move it along the depth of the vaginal channel, collect and discharge air, water out from the vagina? And t does not demonstrate all the vaginal skills, it is possible to arrange a grandiose show demonstrating these skills. Most recently these authors informed with the aim to correct this absurdity, that they meant PCл, muscle CHI and muscle of love to be a certain set of groups of muscles. Mantak Tszia (лantak Chia) explains in the book quoted before: "muscle CHI includes urinogenital diaphragm, pelvic diaphragm, anal sphincter and pubococcygeal muscle", "the muscle of love includes pubococcygeal muscle, pubo-vaginal and pubo- rectal muscles " and further, speaking aboutMen present gifts to women, say compliments, but they are not
 keen to renew their natural sexuality, give no help in normal work of  vaginal muscles pubococcygeal muscle they say "you can check a tone of this muscle by trying to interrupt urination by stopping flow of urine". It should seem to you that all these "groups of muscles" and their names, except
for medicine, are invented to confuse (" to powder one's brains ") both men and, especially women. In my opinion, urination is interrupted by sphincter (circular muscle) of urethras, vagina entry (orifice) is locked (compressed) by vaginal sphincter, while entry (or outlet) of straight intestine - by anal sphincter or by anus. Certainly, this is accompanied by the work of adjoining muscles, but is it so important to us to know about it and, especially, all these names?
       Until serious research of women's problems is not done by the scientific methods, there will be no objective assessment of the importance of each muscle. And all these I don't need any name for this. But to feel in full scale . all
 those involutions during sexual intercourse, it would be splendid.pseudoscientific reasoning on role of PCл, CHI, etc. have no substantiated basis. A woman is not able to compress only PCл, she is compressing everything. It is under no control. As a result, together with other muscles, her ligaments and muscles that support uterus can become stronger. But this individual result is attributed only to PCл. Meanwhile, it is necessary to speak about the whole set of muscles and ligaments in a small pelvis, and not about any muscle or certain group. To crown any muscle means that woman is misled. It was the case with sphincter of entry (orifice) (kegels) - it had been declared as a panacea. As if capacity of sphincter determines all - from health up to the intensity of orgasmic sensations. It is not absolutely so. As shown by my experience the most sensitive (erogenous) zones are somewhat deeper, especially when the state of orgasm is approaching. Such zones are distributed very individually, and they can change the place in the process of growing excitation. If such a common significance is given to the entry (how important it is!!!), then most happy women should be those with  vaginismus or "stiffened" entry. Is it like this? No, as in such cases the pain prevails. Now the opponents, who are supporters of kegels and PCл will argue, that vaginismus is a disease and so forth. But in fact it is their concept, a basis on which their architectonics is built. Therefore, I appeal to the reader, you should give a critical eye to the method by which mainly the entry is being developed. back
      Only after as long as 40 years of triumphal application of kegels it dawned on everybody, that it is not a triumph.One can hardly believe! Such elementary things can be of help  in conservation of the health and family happiness, can change sexual 
sensations altogether. And still, we are to be persuaded! However, thousands, and may be millions of women were misled and they have not received the help demanded, have not solved their problems. The same now takes place also with PCл. In my opinion, now the criteria of vaginal muscles development should be the visible or distinctly felt muscular actions. It is desirable to have some quantitative criteria for "bad" - "good" assessment. Since you are able to move a ball in a vagina or you are able to shoot - that's good, delivery will pass better. If you are able to do the same with a certain weight of ball - it is even better. You are able to open the orifice for such a diameter - still better. You are able to compress the partner at such a force, that he will ask for mercy - you have done perfectly! And so on for all the vaginal natural functions. Such an approach will yield a real result, instead of something virtual. Or let me to give another example: the woman  has decided to learn the vaginal orgasm. She read in some book by the eastern (oriental) Teacher about the valley orgasm, or the orgasm of all organs. She takes it for granted that to learn the vaginal orgasm will take no time. But her entry (orifice) does not work at all, it is not able to be compressed. Sensitivity of the vaginal channel has a zero level. They teach her to learn to move an egg. Several lessons yield no result. She gives up this idea, and remains without the finest natural sensation. She should have begun from elementary things aiming to revive muscles, their sensitivity. A wrong level of training was chosen by her. In the East it goes without saying that women have vaginally used muscles.
              It is necessary to pay your attention to the following phenomenon. When the efficiency of yoga exercises has been checked, it was shown by aerotonometer of рP that vaginal muscles almost did not work. Similar situation has taken place while checking the work of muscles during belly dance. At present the N.Belova's technique is added. Malfunction of рP is excluded - muscles work while somebody is coughing. As was shown by the further experiments, the reason lies in wrong performance of exercises. Let's take yoga exercises. In fact the yoga is a style of life, it is not simply mechanical exercises.It never came to my mind that apart from technique, one can have such sensations. And thus, training of yoga exercises at the Russian school does not provide any basis, or foundation. There were many Teachers from the primary source up to the particular (most recent) instructor who trained the woman that participated in the check. Despite perfect performance of exercises, something has been lost. N.Belova was right to speak, that it is impossible " to improve one's health, having become a yoga exercises performer in a club of the nearest municipal center". The same phenomenon is observed as regards belly dance. The technical aspect of the dance is magnificent, but vaginal muscles do not work. The purpose of the Russian belly dance and the eastern one are different. As regards Russian dance - the aim is to strike imagination of the spectator with technique of performance, whereas eastern (being primary source) - is to strike imagination, excite (sexually), and to amaze by the skills of vaginal muscular efforts during sexual intercourse. Also, no result was obtained during check of N.Belova's exercises - probably, it is herself, or her hidden know-how should serve as a teacher. back
    Any exercises, methods, techniques that promote arising of perceived and sensibly felt vaginal muscular actions, are O Mankind!  There is no opportunity to restore human health but only by renewing natural sexual intercourse.useful. I never denied and I shall not deny the importance of kegels, development of PCл, vaginal tricks taken from the set of the "cheap Thai whorehouses". I am against the idea of setting an unreasonable limit to the development, against unreasonable exaggeration of the role of these or those muscles. Today N.Belova considers PCл (it is proved by science!) to be a queen of muscles that solves all female problems from descents up to orgasm, she also gives a relatively convincing estimation of kegels.But still, even "yesterday" the same science considered the kegels to be a panacea. And "the day before yesterday" the same science considered masturbation (self-abuse) to be a source of all diseases. There is no universal and comprehensive way of vaginal muscles development for all vital cases. For one woman the kegels will be of help, she can
have an orgasm from compression of an entry (orifice), whereas for another woman even the well-developed PCл will not be of help in arising of orgasms, saying nothing about consequences with uterus.
    The sports trainer - professional (the development of vaginal muscles, as well as of any other, belongs to sports, physical culture and not to medicine) will never mention, that your bulbar-spongioid muscle works incorrectly, especially - bulbospongiosus. He will instruct: "compress your entry", and will tell what is wrong with compression. I quote "the Atlas of human anatomy": " a bulbar-spongioid muscle of women surrounds an orifice of vagina. ┘ the muscle coarctates an entry to vagina, hence it is a vagina entry compressing muscle in women ┘Its function is: ┘ it compresses an entry to vagina, bulb of vestibule ┘". If you remember the above-stated data, there is no mention of a bulbar-spongioid muscle in all these PCл, isn't it? And in fact it is exactly this muscle which is discussed. There is a desire to give weight to one's book by medical terminology, forcing to trust only one's technique.
    We, simple people, are interested in the result of action, in an opportunity to estimate this result, and not in the name. If a At last I felt some stir in my vagina! My vaginal muscles started to move without any Chinese! If only a woman continued to have an infant's flexibility, then vagina would be her favorite place of observing, like the phallus for is told by his wife: "Cease to piss into a wash sink! ", the husband will not deliberate, how to compress a sphincter of urethras (he, probably, does not suspect its existence), he will simply stop to do it and will run ashamed to end the started in a toilet. When women are requested by me to compress an entry (into a vagina) they often go to a toilet in order to sense by a finger where and what they should compress. If one is told, that it is necessary to create a close entry, to resist phallus penetration, not to let it inside, she will first of all compress an entry, the above-mentioned bulbar-spongioid muscle. From it she and her partner will receive the first impressions. And farther, all will depend upon the condition of her deeper muscles and her ability to operate them. There is no need to know the Latin or Chinese names, to present oneself as a scientist - theorist. I do not impose my method, technique of vumbuilding, but if somebody wants to apply medical terminology, in order to make it look like scientific, one should do it well-formed, and the main thing - do it correctly. back
   Very interesting is creation of the Center of training to orgasmic delivery by Mr. Marchenko Victor VasiljevichOrgasmic labor of childbirth - it is a fantastic dream of any woman. Where, how and when?! Many never think even about vaginal orgasm! And here you are before such an enterprise! (Vladivostok). It will be a genuine revolution in obstetrics, in the preservation of health of the woman and newborns. But Marchenko V.V. will have to pass a strong resistance of medicine and every possible courses, Centers on preparation for delivery and childbirth - reconstruction will be necessary for them in many respects, and they will prepare a "worthy" welcome to Marchenko V.V., his ideas and their embodiments. I would like to wish him success sincerely in his noblest business - restoration of natural female abilities.
    The method is offered for restoration and improvement of natural functioning of intimate muscles ofSexual upbringing and sexual education have always been under control and management of rich and powerful. Sexual theme has ever been an object of speculations, manipulations and restrictions. Therefore, physiological essence of sex transformed into something dirty or, contrariwise, something inaccessible and superb, kind of Platonic love. Natural sexual intercourse remains inaccessible for society, and the majority of women feel orgasms not by their vaginas, but with their brains, psychologically. both man and woman. Accordingly, its basic direction is vumbuilding, i.e. development of vaginally used muscles for sex, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Apart from the work with training devices (pneumatic рP, chamber рй and others), widely used is training of vaginal skills (tricks) that allow to develop automatism of muscular actions at performance of natural physiological processes. As it is done while performing any automatic physiological process (walking, running, inclinations etc.), the physiology is put on the foreground. The psychology plays a supplemental role which is very important for maintenance of sexual appeal in the family relations in conditions of monogamous marriage. Sexual satisfaction (it is better to say - saturation) should arise from stimulation of the genital erogenous zones, instead of feelings to the partner. In life it is observed almost in all men and multi-orgasmic women. The man makes emission of seminal fluid (not considering wet-dream) from stimulation of the head, circlet, etc, and not from the feelings overflowing him to an object of his adoration. Unfortunately, many women educated according to the western sexual style have orgasms by their brains, and not from direct stimulation of their vaginal zones. Instability of the feelings, due to huge dependence upon various circumstances, does not promote strengthening and preservation of the family.
    The methods of the vaginal muscles development that were considered above are aimed at developing of the uncontrollable, more often virtual values and achievement of this or that purpose. For example, achievement of the valley orgasm, prevention of the uterus descents, etc. But for each particular woman this development is very individual and in such cases has no defined numerical values. There is no mention about such statement of a question in all these methods. In medicine, like in other sciences, there exist, for example, hemoglobin standard of the healthy person. Deviations from this It seems to be a temptation - to crack the nuts with the help of vagina. However, what will happen to phallus at such a sexual intercourse? It would be like knocking it with pistol.standard speak about disease. Since there were no standards, for example for sex, a possible force of influence on a phallus has been accepted by me as a criterion of normal development of the vaginal muscles. It is possible to compress the phallus by vaginal muscles in such a way, that it will be almost not felt by the man. Accordingly, it is possible to compress it with such a force that not only condom, but also skin of the phallus will be pulled The latter is very convincingly propagandized by a lady Moscovite Mrs.G.Podolneva (see "SPID (AIDS)-INFO", ╧5, 2003, page 12). She applies methods of bodybuilding to the development of vaginal muscles. And she has learned to crack ┘ not sunflower seeds, but walnuts by her muscles┘ Just imagine, how in excitation she can "crack" your phallus? In such a case one may lose not only the skin, but remain without his favourite place whatsoever .Certainly, a woman with such muscles is not able to give birth normally, The method suggested has been named "sexbuilding", which, in my opinion, is not quite adequate. The term "bodybuilging" means creation, construction, development of a body. "Vumbuilding" - means the same, but for the vaginally used muscles. Then, how can development of muscles be named "sexbuilding"? In fact, this method deals with development of muscles, and not with development of sex
    Owing to the suggested method of the objective instrumental control, now a woman can develop her vaginal muscles according to readings of the gauge. These readings are directly reflecting the intensity of phallus stimulation. One can be sure to state that when рP gauge readings show 500 mm of mercury the vaginal muscles will injure a man, and will not allow normal delivery in giving birth. When the force of compression is estimated by the readings of a gauge there is a feedback between force of compression and stimulation. Besides, in this case she is able to really estimate the efficiency of the exercises performed, to choose the best for herself, she can control her success and failure. In combination with acquired vaginal skills (tricks), she can harmoniously develop the whole set of her vaginal muscles for performance of natural functions. back
    Now a special female intimate training device "Tefia" has been developed by the St.-Petersburg clinic "ONA" (she) and the medical-ecological company "лedek" aimed for training of the pelvic fundus muscles. A similar training device had been mentioned to be known by the Patent expertise before the patent for my pneumatic training device рP was to be issued in 1990. I specified the drawbacks of this training device which were removed in the design of рP. Since my reasons were recognized by the Expertise to be convincing, the patent for рP has been issued. This is information for the buyers of "рefia". It is pleasant to note, that, at last, the medical science has paid attention and has recognized the advantages of developing muscles of love for female health and other benefits of vumbuilding described in the annotation to the "рefia".
    The training device of chamber type рC, also having the instrumental control, makes it possible to improve up to the level of perfection the automatism of the performed natural physiological acts. As it was found out in practice of vumbuilding training, the majority of women, having developed their muscles, have not the required endurance, during sexual intercourse they are engaged in the control of compression. This prevents arising of sexual sensations, causes limited orgasmic experience. The elite level of training helps in solving of this problem. The more detailed information about the patented training devices and suggested vumbuilding is presented in the Russian-speaking Web-sites - primary sources:,,
    The paper "Methods of the vaginal muscles development" described the existing methods known to me and made assessment of their application and efficiency. That is the opportunity offered to the reader to make a choice of the variants of development, depending on individual abilities, interests, availability of free time, means and so on. Only after having selected an appropriate variant, one may make his choice. The reader certainly noticed, that preference is given by me to my method (vumbuilding). Otherwise, for what purpose should I be engaged in it? It is of no interest for me to copy and even improve the known methods. I add them with the aim to increase the efficiency of vumbuilding, to reduce the time of development, without any claim for authorship. But at the present time I consider my elaborations in the field of the control over development and application of the developed vaginal muscles in the natural physiological actions to be innovative evenI wish you joining the vumbuilding and every success in practicing it. in the world practice. Certainly, this statement seems immodest, but I would wish to have followers (like people from Kharkov) who will deal with improvement of vumbuilding and will bring the new ideas into this useful business. back


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